I am aware that this recipe sounds off the wall but I decided to make a version of 'Delicously Ellas' sweet potato brownies and as I am obsessed with granola at the moment it just came to me. I know you'll be thinking granola and sweet potato don't seem like a great combination but trust me they actually do. I have been experimenting for awhile but haven't come up with anything special enough to share until now. Its weird because I knew once the idea came to me it was going to be good. The sweetness of granola gives me that kick I need in the morning, especially when I'm studying every day of the bloody week. I cannot wait for the summer when I will finally be able to experiment way more with food but also be able to get into a regular exercise routine again because at the moment it seems like I have zero time to do anything. I love adding it to a smoothie bowl and top off with loads of fruit. So here we go.
This will make about 4-5 servings depending on how you plan on eating it.
1/4 of a large sweet potato
2 cups of oats

1 tbs of cacao powder
1 tbs of date syrup (or any other syrup you have handy, maple, rice etc)
1 heaped tbs of almond butter
10 chopped dates
Handful of chopped nuts (whatever's in the press)
1. Steam the sweet potato until very soft.
2. Add potato to the oats, cacao, chopped dates and nuts and still well.
3. Place the almond butter and the date syrup in a cup and place in the micro wave for about 1 minute.
4. Pour over the oats etc and stir evenly.
5. Place on a tray in the over at 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes but keep an eye on it and keep stirring to make sure it all gets nice and crispy.
That's pretty much it, very simple actually it has a slightly different taste but its seriously good. Enjoy.